Gastric sleeve :

Sleeve gastrectomy works to lose weight through two main factors
The first is a purely mechanical factor (reducing stomach absorption of food) and the other: a chemical hormonal factor (appetite control).
The mechanical factor: It is represented in the shrinking of the stomach completely after the patient undergoes the sleeve gastrectomy process, in terms of the stomach’s absorptive capacity and its ability to expand, which reduces the amount of food the person eats before feeling full Hormonal factor: where it was discovered that the sleeve gastrectomy process affects the hormones that control appetite, such as: ghrelin, which is the hunger hormone. By removing that part of the stomach, which is called the fundus in Latin, a clear drop in the levels of this appetite-stimulating hormone was observed.
In addition, gastric sleeve increases the secretion of another hormone called: the glucagon-like hormone GLP-1, which increases the secretion of insulin, and reduces the speed of emptying the stomach, which reduces the feeling of hunger and the desire to eat.

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